Libido is the presence of sexual desire, the desire an intimate relationship. It is the nature of this man the gift of harmonic relationships, the pleasure of intimacy, full of happiness in family life. When there is no sexual desire, intimacy will no longer give me joy and pleasure, and the relationship between a man and a woman becomes pale and painful. Not always it is subjective reasons.
Disorders of the female libido happens in many cases because of health problems.
Firstly, you need to find out the cause of the weakening of libido. Many couples, sex decreases the performance of marital debt. Not arousal, emotional relaxation, and intimate relationships become just an ordinary physiological act.

Causes of low sexual desire:
- Women are more reserved in bed than men. They don't always talk about their wishes and preferences in sex. If something does not suit a woman in an intimate relationship with a loved one, it is likely to be quiet, because of fear of being labeled tactless. Gradually an intimate relationship ceases to please she loses interest in them. His libido pales.
- Why is my libido? Sex brings joy and satisfaction, when a man is full of strength and health, this act requires considerable physical strength, especially men. And if a person is not health, full sexual activity from him should expect. That is problems in the intimate sphere may be due to the disease.
- Statistics show that one-third of women know what an orgasm is. But when you have experienced a physiological relaxation combined with emotional euphoria, women always expect it.
- Hormonal contraceptives reduce the level of hormones, the ovaries are calm, sexual desire and hunger.
- The level of sexual arousal depends on the relationship with the partner, the emotional background of these relations.
- Poor physical shape women to lower all of its vital functions. Activities should maintain muscular fitness, flexibility and strength. Women very useful, belly dancing, yoga, aerobics. These types of activities contribute to rush of blood to the pelvic organs, to maintain the good form of genital mutilation.
- If a woman is really healthy, a temporary loss of libido is a defensive reaction of the premature pregnancy. Natural self-appoint a time and wake up to a woman's femininity. For example, after childbirth or severe illness, the body needs time to recover.
- It is important, and the timing of intercourse. Woman should be rested.
- It is necessary to maintain the level of sex hormones in the body. They affect the level of sexuality.
- Libido individually to each woman. And it is not reasonable to demand from him more than nature has given.
At the beginning of the relationship between a man and a woman is characterized by high intensity of sexual desire. Why over time relationships lose their brightness? Later, when they came to the stable stage, then sex becomes calmer and less. Set a harmonious stable relationship. If they both parties can be satisfied that the cause for concern does not arise. If the "cool" woman, the partner will experience it as a personal failure and it hurt his ego.
Symptoms of low libido in women
Clinical symptoms is the lack of moisture in the vagina. The act of penetration occurs spasm of the muscles of the vagina, the act itself is painful and unpleasant. Completely missing an orgasm and does not have the conditions. The woman refused to have sex, he avoided contact with the couple.
The reasons for reduction in female libido
The reasons can be divided into physiological and psychological.
Physiological basis:
- For libido to fill the male hormone testosterone. If the reduced level of its content, undermine the libido. This process in our days there is a tendency of rejuvenation. Unfortunately, often there is a hormonal imbalance after the age of 30.
- Age-related changes in the body of a woman also affects her sexuality. This happened in anticipation of the climax. The function of the ovaries has been reduced to zero, they do not produce estrogen, the vaginal dryness. Sexual intercourse brings discomfort. Women refuse to have sex. And the emotional side of life, is not affected. He lives fully and positively.
- Diseases, such as gynecological are the reason for the refusal of an intimate relationship. Especially in the elderly to collect a whole bunch of health problems. Heart disease and blood vessels, which bring the physical weakness of the body, diseases of internal organs, inflammation of the genitourinary system, diabetes. During pregnancy, women also avoid intimate relationships.
- Bad habits – Smoking, drinking alcohol destroys the internal organs and nervous system and cause serious diseases, who are incompatible with a healthy sex life. Get used to the pleasure from alcohol and smoked cigarettes.
- Vaginismus – spasms of the vaginal muscles. The reason can be mental stress, wrong use.
- Infectious diseases of the genital organs.
Psychological causes
- Neurosis, stress, overwork.
- Uncomfortable setting intimate, and the lack of understanding of the partner, dictates of men's intimate relationships.
- Puritan education, religious barriers, developed complexes.
- The lack of sex education in young women. If it is not enough obtulit reliable information about that the first sexual act, a possible pregnancy and contraception, the girl can feel the comfort and get and give pleasure.
- After pregnancy and childbirth, a woman moves to the care of the baby and decreased libido.

Treatment lack of female sexual desire
For the treatment of sexual dysfunction, need to get rid of their causes. If it is a disease, we need to start his treatment. In case of violation of a hormonal background, it is necessary to accept hormonal preparations. In addition, testosterone not only gives a sexy lift. It offers physical activity, good mood, cheerfulness. The treatment of women's "coldness" — a set of measures. This medicines, physiotherapy, healthy food, psychological help, perhaps even a change of place and lifestyle.
Treatment is faster and more effective support and participation of partners. The understanding and warmth of relations will help to achieve success in treatment.
The treatment of the emotional aspects of applied psychotherapy, antidepressants.
Drug treatment, sometimes leading to negative consequences, which are inevitable hormone therapy. It is the appearance of extra pounds, unwanted hair growth, breast engorgement, vaginal discharge, rashes on the skin. Often medication comitantur headaches, poor sleep, nervous condition.
Treatment nutrition
However, do not include in the list of the pleasures of delicious hearty food. The diet is light and warming. There are several products that contribute to the awakening of sensuality.
Products – aphrodisiacs:
- Seafood – salmon, oysters, halibut.
- Dark chocolate, bananas, avocado, mango, figs, nuts, liver, eggs stimulate the production of protestare.
- Treatment the burning of the spices. — Bell peppers, onion, garlic, ginger, cinnamon, fennel, cardamom, anise, turmeric, horseradish.
Traditional medicine has a great experience in exchange for female sexuality. Tea and tinctures ginseng, Damiana, aloe, celery acts as a powerful stimulate sexual desire. They are used for cooking a romantic dinner.
Proud of your body!
In order to do it, take care of yourself. The extra weight makes a woman insecure. It loses the physical form, flexibility and grace. Of course, we can't all be photo models, but the best of its ability strive to ideal weight, be in good physical condition, adhere to the face, skin, clothing. All of the above requires a lot of work for women and a lot of time. If you don't spend the money on themselves, attractive appearance for women does not. And therefore feel that it would be ugly, incorrect, uncertain.
Good form and vigor give regular swimming, Jogging in the fresh air, a half-hour walk briskly to the gym, yoga class. Pay special attention to the muscles in the intimate area. Exercises you can find online and regularly do, training the body.
The novelty of an intimate relationship
Help you to feel more pleasure from sex, long foreplay, during which a woman enjoys the gentle touch, gradually ready for sexual intercourse. You should not hesitate to talk about their feelings and desires to your beloved. He is grateful for the tip. A woman is more emotional and prone to fantasy. Don't be afraid of the diversity of sexual relationships. Especially if it is a long marriage. Sometimes use sex toys. Add to is the intimate gel – lubricant.
Any shifts remember that your family, your relationship with a loved one. A woman should refuse a man's intimate caress. Sex should be regular.
Today we discussed a woman's desire and not only desire, and sexual desires of women, or rather, lack of sexual desire in women and the possible causes of this condition.
We get these: why the sudden lost of sexual desire and what to do, how to get back the sexual desire way out of the problem, lack of sexual desire reasons.
Why it could be a problem with the sex drive of women?
As mentioned above, all the reasons that lead to the weakening of the desire of sexual intercourse can be divided into two groups: physiological factors and psychological:
- Decreased libido because of the hormones.Physiological factors, decreased libido in women — hormonal imbalance in a woman's body .For libido in both men and women, is responsible for the male sex hormone – testosterone. Unfortunately, in recent years, there is a downward trend in the previously established norms, that is, before 30 years. Also reduce the libido in women (but also men) may be the culprit is a hormone – prolactin. In women, decreased libido observed after childbirth, when she is breastfeeding.
- Hypoaktiivisen of sexual desire with age. Physiological factors, decreased libido in women — the age-related changes in women. Extinction or a complete lack of sexual desire in women was observed in eligibility (menopause) and menopausal treaty establishing the age. It is known that in these ages, ovarian function begins to wane, resulting in low production of estrogen.Sexual intercourse will become unpleasant and even painful, which is associated with the production of reduction of lubrication in the vagina. Many women at this age to refuse sexual life, and do not feel therefore, any psychological and physical discomfort.
- Decline in libido due to illness. Physiological factors that reduce sexual desire in women is available in public and/or gynecological diseases. Diabetes, pathology of the cardiovascular and urinary excretory system, inflammation diseases of the pelvic organs and so on are a frequent cause of sexual frigidity in women.
- Hypoaktiivisen sexual desire, because of the bad habits. Physiological factors, decreased libido in women — in different bad habits. Smoking, alcohol abuse, addiction to drugs to suppress libido. Bad habits prevent transmission of nerve impulses in the area of the brain responsible for sexual desire and arousal. First will get pleasure from listed dependencies.
- Hypoaktiivisen of sexual desire due to spasms.Physiological factors that reduce sexual desire in women — vaginismus. Vaginismus is an involuntary spastic contraction of the muscles of the vagina, which is very painful, not only for women but also for men (during intercourse). Cause of vaginismus may be experienced sexual violence, sexual harassment and so on.
- Decreased sex drive due to infections. The physiological factor is the lack of sexual desire — a variety of sexual infections. As we know, sexually transmitted diseases cause discomfort of the vulva and vagina. Intercourse on the background of pronounced obesity is not only unpleasant, but very painful, it is also the reason that there is a lack of sexual desire in women.
- Hypoaktiivisen of sexual desire due to psychological reasons. Psychological causes of decreased libido in women is very diverse. This can be chronic stress, fatigue, bad relationship with spouse, fighting with it, inadequate the situation, the reluctance of the partner to consider the needs and preferences of women and much more.

In addition, decreased libido in women can join a religious upbringing, deterius complex or any upheaval in the sexual life.
Often the partner does not want to reckon with the needs and opportunities of women, does not take into account that in addition to his main work, he has to do housework, raise children, cook lunch and dinner. One reason for the decline or lack of libido in young women's inexperience and fear of unwanted pregnancy.